Monday, April 16, 2012

Project 1: Fresh Start- 4/16/2012

Ok, so today I decided I would start blogging my fresh start with life. Hoping it would keep me motivated to stick to some of my new life goals this year. The list is very long, but each day I want to try and tackle as many as the day will let me...making the most of this beautiful life God has given me. So here it goes!!!
Why is it a fresh start???
Well, for a long time now I have been living in a box. Not making the most of my life and the talents God has given me. I have been doing everything as though I am only half alive and part of that could have been from complete exhaustion in raising a beautiful family with my ever so handsome and loving husband Mark, of which I don't regret and am very thankful for. But, sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut, where we are trying to get through the day instead of living in the day. There are many things that can contribute to this, like not taking care of ourselves, focusing on the bad things in life instead of the good, but the number 1 thing I have found to hurt me is not beginning my day with GOD. Soaking up his word and finding strength in Him to make the most of my day and including him in ALL that I do.
In the last couple of years, I have gone through some rough patches in my life which have forced me to face my life head on and God has been growing me through it and now He is telling me it's TIME.
Time for what you say???
Time to LIVE!!!

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